Monday, April 21, 2014


Who, in this day and age, does not have access to a smart phone/tablet?  As I was driving home today, I was stalled by a car who was asking a security guard for directions (it was a narrow, winding backroad on a college campus, so I was unable to pass).  There were 2 people that I could see in the car, and neither one of them had a smartphone??  My first thought, as I heard the security guard telling them that she didn't know how to get to 95 from there, was of my parents, who are still semi-anti-cellphones, and certainly do not have smartphones, and I thought maybe I should offer to lead them up the road and start them in the right direction.

Then I started thinking some more about how I know there are still some people out there who do not carry one for whatever reason, my parents included; and my cousin also downgraded her phone as one of the ways to save for her wedding, which I think she is finding technologically refreshing.  I know that my parents carry their iPad with them, which can be used for GPS, and before I had a phone with those capabilities I had an actual GPS device.  Even before that we were able to get around by pre-printing MapQuest directions or <gasp> using a map!  If you are, in fact, traveling without a GPS device, wouldn't you have a map in your car? Sidenote: I (not-so-secretly) LOVE maps, and pull mine up on my phone just to see where we are in relation to other places<3. Worst case scenario (because you knew at some point you were going to miss a MapQuest turn between driving and trying to read the next direction), you called up a friend or Dad who you knew would be sitting at the computer and had them look up the new route for you! (or is that just me?  Thanks guys!)

So in the end I decided I did not need to brandish the 'S' on my chest today and these people would be ok.  Besides, we were late getting home for nap time and I have no desire to stay up until 1:30am again because G is wide awake due to her extremely late nap schedule.

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Little Milestones

I promise that all most posts will NOT be about my children, although to be honest with myself and you, a lot of my life revolves around these little guys, which means I do have a lot to share about them on a daily basis.

Today was a milestone, kind of.  I converted the double stroller into the sit-n-stand, by removing the back seat and letting G choose her ride and hop off when she wanted to.  I know that this could have happened a long time ago, and she is more than capable of walking along next to me, but I have been liking the fact that I can put her in the seat and go.  No stopping to pick up rocks and smell the flowers... Plus we do live in the city and have to cross some busy streets to get to the "good" walking neighborhoods (ours NOT included).  Usually my purpose of these walks are a) to get fresh air (turn the tv off), b) walk the dog (who I tie to the side of the stroller since it's a small Cadillac and I need two hands to steer), and c) get some cardio in.  While some days this IS the activity, usually it is a filler between activities, or before lunch and naptime and I am trying to tire the dog out and I need to keep it moving!  So today I relaxed a little and when we went a slightly different route and ended up by a small reservoir on top of a hill, I let EVerybody out!  Crawling, running around, rolling down the hill and picking flowers.  It was a beautiful day- finally- and even though I maybe didn't get the workout I would have, it felt good.  And I was still sweaty by the end of it.  This is of course how I qualify that I got a workout, which I need, because tonight is wine night!

Speaking of milestones, Cruz has started walking around the house a lot more.  He started yesterday where he leaves the support of the couch, puts his hands in the air, and screams all the way through the house til he gets to the bathroom in the back.  He wants to be heard!  And he better get loud around here to compete with G and I!  They say boys take more time to learn things than girls, and with walking this has been the case.  G started at 10.5 months and never looked back, while Cruz seems to still enjoy crawling a lot of the time.  Another difference is that he seems to get into EVerything!  I thought G did, but we never needed toilet safety locks or drawer locks in the kitchen (just the cabinets), but I think with the combo of him seeing G get into these things and his height (95th percentile last visit), has made these things an issue!  I saw yesterday that he had figured out how to open and close the toilet, and threw his toothbrush in.  This morning I caught him "wet-handed." GROSS.  I suppose I should move the scissors from that handy kitchen drawer...

Saturday, April 5, 2014

Why Blog

My name is Lia, welcome to my blog!  Right now my life consists of: library storytimes, playgrounds and naptime; diapers, snacks, dirty knees and tutus.  Football (yes, year round), cornrows and Frozen; grocery trips, Chick-Fil-A and playdates.  In-house cardio, squats and yoga pants; lunchtime, dinnertime and laundry.  Yes, it all sounds so glamorous.  Oh, wait, I forgot a few:  On-Demand, Netflix and Scandel.  Date nights, margaritas and wine/beer.  That's better!

A little more about me and my family: I am VT born and raised!  People I meet are usually surprised by that... guess I'm not your typical farmer/hippie-type that they expect (but I have my moments).  Earned my degree in CT but educated in the mean streets of Bmore.  I got laid off from my job at a non-profit almost a year ago, which has been a blessing in disguise, even though I miss my work.  I now get to try my skills at being a "Trophy Wife" who also doubles as a nanny... aka I am currently a SAHM to two beautiful little monsters (but I like the reactions I get out of the other title instead :P)  I have gained so much respect for SAHM's, and feel like I have even less downtime and "off" time than I did when I worked FT.  While some days I want to scream, cry and/or pull my hair out, the thought of going back to work makes me feel thankful for all this kiddie time I've been soaking up. We have a daughter who will be 3 in May, and our son just turned 1.
I am lucky to have an amazing and caring husband who works really hard all day with SpecEd kids in school and then helps run an after school program.  We've been making it work by saving on daycare while I'm home, even though this was never in the plans.  He is also a HS football coach, so I've been learning to accept that is a daily way of life and deal with his greater absence in the fall.
While I've been busy running a personal daycare for my kids (and perfecting whatever skills Trophy Wives must possess), I've also decided to try and work on some personal goals I have neglected over the years (most likely since I've had kids).  YouTube is seriously magic, and I have developed a great appreciation for blogs. I have been perfecting my various skills one video/blog at a time!!  From at-home workouts and fitness dances to photography, fashion and hairstyle tips, I am feeling more confident each day.
My reason for starting my own blog is to share my journey as a growing individual, wife, mother, sister, daughter and friend.  I feel like I have a lot to share, and can be an inspiration to any women out there who may feel like I do sometimes, "a Jack of all trades but a master of none."  This is my story of turning an interest into a passion that I can master and share with the world.  Learn along with me, as I'm sure there will be many bumps along the road!